Dreams and Randomness

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hunting in the Future

      This dream wasn't the best of dreams I've had, didn't have a lot of detail either. Just throwing one up since I haven't made a post in a while. I have more dreams recorded though, I'll keep them coming as much as I can.

      I remember being in what seems to be a mall. Something catastrophic is happening to where everyone is basically starting over. Not many people are around. Our current technology is relatively advanced so it seems. I remember seeing these cars on display, I go up to them and check them out. Next to the cars there is a white suit,  it kind of looks like a suit from halo. I think I pick it up or put it on but I don't remember it in the rest of the dream. Then, I remember being in some type of vehicle and I'm talking to some people that are there with me. They're asking me about hunting and if I hunted in either Wisconsin or like... Indiana or something. Mentions two different types of black birds. Not sure if the hunting conversation was completely random or perhaps had something to do with survival.


  1. recording dreams is fun brah. You sound like you play halo rofl. Anyways, I don't really believe premonitions. Good post tho.

  2. Haha thanks, man. I used to play Halo 3 over a year ago.

  3. Man I had some good times in halo 3. Reach isn't as fun for me :(

  4. Dream interpretation is awesome.

  5. catastrophic event=food court ran out of mustard

  6. Dreams are quite amazing. Just wish I could do lucid dreaming.

  7. Trippy dream, i had a dream i was drunk and woke up in Iraq. It was nuts.

  8. Interesting. Try to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, I found it working out the best for me

  9. Cool post. If you have never heard of Lucid dreaming - look into it! It's a technique for remembering your dreams and being able to control them.

  10. the first half of that could be a cool movie. lol @ the halo suit.

  11. sounds like a typical enjoyable dream. :D

  12. The suit from Halo lol.

    Yeah, I've had that dream xD

  13. I'm always tempted to start doing something like this, but I either forget before I can get to my computer or I just don't have enough motivation. I think dreams show some real insight about the dreamer though.

  14. Must agree with the post b4 me.

  15. Sounds kinda like The Matrix

  16. good post. i like that you noticed the black birds. subtle detail. look forward to more.

  17. uhhhh.....this just confuses me..

  18. we will be hunting with nukes. followed. hit me back up.

  19. I've heard that works really well.

  20. Odd conversation topic, dreams are weird bro.

  21. Another great post! keep up the good blogging!

  22. I would record my dreams but I never remember them when I wake up..or i don't dream...
    nice post! following now so keep blogging!

  23. i love when i was once able to control my dream. Dreams are the best.

  24. I think your dream is about zombies. The halo suit and hunting represent hunting people (zombies)during this catastrophic event (zombie attack). The whiteness of the suit shows your savior of humanity status. You look at the cars as a way out. You're in a mall, think Dawn of the Dead. The two black birds represent the debate in your mind if killing zombies is 1st or 2nd degree murder. Wisconsin is a place to go and start new because of all the derelict beer factories with free beer.

  25. @Tross150 Hilarious and interesting analysis.

  26. i do love dreams, i'm trying to learn how ot lucid dream but it's hard
