Dreams and Randomness

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 My face when I can't remember my dreams^
( I drew this xD )
          I've been trying to record and remember my dreams but I keep waking up with other things on my mind. So, I quickly forget the small bits that remain. I need to get my hands on a little pocket recorder. At least I remember having dreams every night,  I just don't retain enough concrete details afterward to piece it together. I might try some melatonin tonight. Nevertheless, dreams are on the way.


  1. As soon as I start thinking about my dreams I start to forget details. Good luck trying to sort this out.

  2. I have been trying to lucid dream, but I can't yet. Unless I'm dreaming this...

  3. ehh ive lucid dreamed once shit was pretty amazing i became a gundam lol

  4. Meh, I don't like dreams that much. I actually enjoy nightmares. Find them fun to wake up to and just think, "WTF?"

  5. You should do some shrooms and go to sleep. I hear all sorts of weird things happen.

  6. It frustrates me as well when something like this happens to me. But sometimes, I remember the dreams later during the day, and realize that they were pretty useless...
    Such is life.

  7. i never have dreams rofl. s'all good bro

  8. you should drink some milk before going to sleep, it helps

  9. I have never heard of drinking milk helping

  10. I love my dreams! They're pretty screwy and the fact that I'm scatterbrained doesn't help. They just don't make sense, ever. Check out my blog to see:


    I recommend just keeping it up. What happens is, you keep trying, and eventually you begin to remember better. It really works like that! Melatonin, I heard, will make you sleep without dreams. No thanks!

  11. Lucid dreaming is pretty sweet.
    I've pulled it off here and there.
    Keep trying, you'll eventually get it.

  12. I've lucid dreamed quite a few times before just not recently. It's a lot of fun.

  13. Not a bad idea recording them if you are interested. I used to look up the "meanings" online, some seemed very accurate.

    I think you should ditch the melatonin, you don't know how that is affecting "natural" dreams.

  14. @/\ustin I've used it before when I was really restless trying to get my schedule back to normal and it kind of helped but one time I had a weird experience with it. I was like pretty much awake but couldn't move and not fully aware. I was just going to test it for one night if I couldn't sleep. Pretty tired already though, so no need.

  15. Can't wait for the dreams man. Check out my new blog, puzzledyet.blogspot.com if you haven't already!

  16. When waking up try not to move. Just try recalling your dreams and then write them down.

  17. You should be hapyy... I remember a dream once every year, and that if im lucky. But on the other hand, DAMN the dreams i get xD

  18. I had a strange dream last night.. Can't remember what was it about though :D

  19. Keep a notepad by your bed to make notes as soon as you wake up - worked for me! Great blog - keep them coming! Followed++

  20. That's exactly what happens to me.

  21. A smartphone can work as a recorder for this type of thing, if you have one.

  22. sometimes i wish i didn't remember dreams...

  23. This happens to me often : \. Nice drawing btw

  24. I can never remember my dreams, but I agree, Lucid Dreaming sounds amazing.

  25. I can never remember my dreams.

  26. you've just inspired me to try lucid dreaming...I never really thought it would work, but this sounds awesome.

  27. I hate when i can't remember my dreams either.

    I know that feel bro!

  28. What i keep trying to do is lucid dreaming, you need to have some kind of "trigger" that enables you to realise your dreaming without waking up. but i havn't managed it.

  29. I hate that. Let's see if you find out how to avoid forgetting your dream?! ^^

  30. Believe it or not I do this too. I record my dreams in a journal, it's kind of weird because I can go back through it and remember nearly every dream and a lot of the minor details. Everyone should do this, it's actually really cool, then you can start getting into lucid dreaming, which is amazing!

  31. First: I'm your 100th follower!
    Second: I have a small little journal I keep by my bedside. I try to wake up at 4 a.m. every morning and write down any dream I can remember. After a few months, I started remembering my dreams in the morning a lot more vividly. :) Good luck my friend!

  32. Drinking milk helps me to sleep

  33. lucid dreaming is like doing drugs but so much better without the ffects. you should try it out! also you're sure to remember your dreams later

  34. haha this is very true.. happens all the time to me too

  35. I think I'm going to start doing this too. Lucid dreams have always been intriguing to me.

  36. Haha i know this feeling! Got it once aswell ^^

  37. I keep a little notebook and pen by my bed. I've trained myself to write things down as soon as I wake up. Sometimes I don't even remember writing them, but it works!

  38. Dreams ftw! my dreams have been INSANE lately

  39. I use to record all of my dreams, and do dream interpretation back in HS. But then I stopped, and here we are 5-6 years later.

  40. Same i cant remember mine either

  41. I've always wanted to try and lucid dream. It's a cool idea.

  42. I had the same problem! Waking out of a dream is like waking out of amnesia. You quickly forget all the dreams you had, even if you did remember right after you woke up. They fade away and you can never recall them again. The best thing to do if you want to remember them is to write them down very quickly!

  43. dreams slip away really soon after i wake up...good luck!

  44. Man, a lot of my friends keep a dream diary. I highly recommend that.

  45. I'm with Tissue, nightmares are the best. In the morning you're left wondering if you have deep psychological issues that need to be tended to.

  46. they say you forget the most when you first move after waking up, so try recalling the dream as soon as your eyes open. then it's in your conscious memory and can't slip away.


  47. dreams are a funny thing, one minute you're in them next minute you wake up and cant recall anything.
    One thing that helped me a bit with recollecting my dreams, was to tell yourself before going to sleep: "I will remember my dreams!" over and over in my head. With time you'll be able to remember them. good luck

  48. I hate that feeling when you are right on the edge of remembering the dream but just can't.

  49. Wow, I wish I could remember some of my dreams, all I can remember about them is that I enjoyed them while dreaming!

  50. everyone should train lucid dreaming, it's a lot of fun!

  51. I think I have the same problem >_<

  52. The most annoying thing is when you only remember half the dream.

  53. my gf claims to be able to do this, i never could tho

  54. I usually remember my dreams, Its sleeping itself that proves to be problematic.

  55. I was the 1,000th viewer of you blog! I like it man, keep up the good work.

  56. Oh god, I did melatonin the other week. Just don't take two tablets. Or you might want to, I remembered every detail of my vivid dreams; however they were unlike any dreams I've ever had before, and very scary at that.

  57. keep a dream diary it will help you remember you're dreams if you write in it when you first get up

  58. yeah you need to write them down as soon as you wake up.

  59. may you dream of something that will cause you to remember all of your dreams, sir.

  60. I wish i could lucid dream one day!

  61. Good luck, lucid dreams are fun. Melatonin can definitly help

  62. Ohhhh, I HATE when I can't remember a dream! I only remember the "what the hell was that all about?" afterwards! >:O

  63. It is worse when you wake up from a super epic dream, and remember every detail. Then realize how un- epic it actually was.

    Glad I still have this blog on my morning coffee. Please check out mine?

  64. i do the same thing but i keep a dream journal next to my bed

  65. They say as soon as you have a dream, wake up and write it down, if you wait for the morning you won't retain as much.

  66. A hard thing to do is to try and remember and write down what most of us dont remember at all, or have scattered fragments which dissipate as time goes on and as we wake up. Good luck with this. You are followed.

  67. I've always thought it would just be easier to pick up my phone and just record myself talking.

  68. i've never been able to remember my dreams, it really saddens me.

  69. been doing this for a while now, i use to wake myself up in the middle of a dream so i can remember it, its way easier now

  70. When I was some years younger, I could remember my dreams easier. Nowadays, it's almost imposible for me :-(

  71. Sometimes I set my alarm so that I wake up in the middle of the night, I fall a sleep again in a matter of seconds and then I remember my dreams in perfect detail in the morning : )
