Dreams and Randomness

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mystic Medieval Mansion

    First, I'm in my uncles basement with my brother and sister; we're trying to record spongebob. Two friends, that are brothers that I know, are in it at one point; we're messing with... some type of marhsmellowy substance. Now, the main part. I'm in an awesome mansion with tons of rooms; in this mansion we have special abilities/weapons. I remember thinking, "this is going to have a big electric bill having so many lights and whatnot." I think I had either... throwing knives of some sort or a bow. One of the other people in the house had this missile that would come towards you. It was a somewhat transparent, slightly green head that exploded when it reached you. However, at one point, I shot it down before it got to me.  We were not actually fighting though, just messing around. Sometime later, I'm in this room with some people, and a chick with the abilities/armor/weapon stuff was like wrestling around with me in front of people and I was trying to kiss her, but she was a bit embarrassed being in front of them. So, we would wrestle and make our faces unexposed, then kiss. There were two guys and two chicks, including myself. I believe the other guy had a large axe. There was an armory and there was some sort of teleportation device... or an elevator or something. A display would come up visually, out of no where and I could scroll through the rooms. They had an assortment of numbers labeling them like 2343454_45436. Overall, it was a rather strange dream but had some cool parts.


  1. i dont think i've played guild wars, but it looked a tad like RoM, so in essence, another WoW spinoff

  2. Yeah, guild wars supported good pictures for this though :D

  3. dude, thats awesome!!! i wish i had dreams like that.

  4. i like the part of the post about spongebob; "this is going to have a big electric bill having so many lights and whatno" lold

  5. haha :D the moment it started with recording spongebob i knew it will be a good read :D thnx for sharing


  6. Great post and great blog. Thanks.

  7. yep, that's a weird dream. Wish I dreamt more often

  8. Who is this chick I have to fight?

  9. This sums up the last 10 years of my life.

  10. Awesome post! Also awesome blog!
    Looking forward to next post.

  11. i've been inducing lucid dreams recently, how can i help to remember them?

  12. Weird dream, but great concept for a blog.

  13. Funny thoughts!

    Where are the screenshots taken from?

  14. @dufenstein1 If you don't already, keep a dream journal. You can type/write/voice record, whatever works best for you.
    @Careface Just some random guild wars pictures I found.

  15. i used to love spongebob,just the opening theme was hilarious

  16. Wow what the heck - that is probably one of the weirdest dreams I have ever heard of ...

  17. Great post, I like it, I like big axes and hammers.

  18. wow you are a good story teller! I never had a dream you like this. This one is kinda creepy!

  19. Cool dreams! I just dream about my ex. :(

  20. Dream's are so funny to listen/read over. Its crazy how it makes sense though at the moment :P

  21. First pic is more appealing than the second :D

  22. @Packscoot Yeah, the pictures went well with depicting the dream.

  23. Your dream definitely has some medieval elements to it - I wonder if you played any RPGs or medieval action games lately =).

  24. oh spongebob. you crafty sponge

  25. sounds like a funny dream... why did it end? :p

  26. Those pictures look great.

  27. I wish my dreams were as weird as yours! Good blog post!

  28. If I had dreams half this crazy, I'd be a happier person...

  29. @goat-on-a-stik Yes, it is great art. Just so everyone knows, I didn't draw it. I repeat, I didn't draw it :p It's Guild Wars.

  30. Its like the less clothing they wear, the deadlier they get.

  31. Enjoyed this post! Thanks for the write-up.

    Keep 'em coming! :D

  32. Dreaming, maybe the best thing that man can do.

  33. lol spongebob. great story!
